
5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following With Community Management

Many of the non-profit organizations we work with continue to struggle on Instagram. They’re limited in terms of the type of content they have access to create, yet they’re tasked to grow Instagram followers and increase social engagement. Sound familiar?  The images you get aren’t “Instagram Quality,” you’re confined to the assets that field teams …

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Engage donors to share your message to their audiences.

3 Ways To Inspire Your Donors To Spread Your Message

For non-profit marketers, there’s nothing more powerful than having donors spread your message to their communities. When donors are passionate about a cause, they tell their friends and family about it. With today’s emphasis on visual storytelling, providing donors visual content they want to share is key to turning supporters into evangelists.

CAUSE INFLUENCE - using influence for social good

Why Cause Influence Needs To Be in Your 2022 Strategy

For many marketing teams, developing their 2021 plans can easily turn into a copy, paste, and update minimally task. Entertain Impact Founder and CEO Paul Katz outlines cause influence, a strategy that requires people to rethink the status quo. To keep up with the changing world and marketing landscape, explore how cause influence can help advance social impact work.

Evaluating Charity Evaluators

An evaluation score can never truly represent a person’s full character, let alone tell us about the impact that a person has on the world around them. This is equally true for non-profits and foundations. So, as we head into the year’s most charitable season, it’s important to level-set on exactly what the current set of non-profit evaluation …

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